SaaS Customer Segmentation: Complete Guide To Reach GenZ and Millennials 

Updated: March 31, 2024
saas customer segmentation

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Segmenting SaaS users to gather better insights is important for software companies. Pro-active SaaS customer segmentation is required to pull qualified leads.

If you know your target cohorts whom you should approach to generate the maximum revenue, you can increase your MQLs and SQLs. 

As Millennials and Gen Z are reshaping the digital world, SaaS companies must modify their approaches to attract these tech-savvy consumers successfully. 

SaaS organizations must gain a deeper understanding of Gen Z and Millennials to establish a personal connection with them. 

This involves creating experiences and marketing plans that align with their values and areas of interest.

In this extensive SaaS customer segmentation guide, I will share the top tactics of SaaS customer segmentation to help software brands connect with audiences more effectively. 

Why SaaS Customer Segmentation is Needed?

SaaS customer segmentation according to age is essential for several reasons:

Tailored Messaging

The interests, tastes, and communication styles of different age groups vary. 

Businesses can design marketing messages specifically targeting each demographic by breaking down their consumer base into age-based segments. 

For instance, Millennials can respond differently to certain words and imagery than older people do.

Product Relevance

Buying habits and life stages are frequently correlated with age. 

Software companies can provide customers with relevant products and services that align with their requirements and preferences by thoroughly understanding their customer base’s age demographics. 

For example, a SaaS company aiming for a younger audience would prioritize cost and creative features, whereas a company serving an older audience might emphasize dependability and user-friendliness.

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Businesses can provide customers with individualized experiences by using age-based segmentation. 

Knowing the values and characteristics of the various age groups allows companies to adjust their offers, promotions, and suggestions to each segment’s preferences. 

It increases engagement and retention resulting from personalization, leading to consumer satisfaction and loyalty.

Marketing Efficiency

Focusing on particular age groups makes marketing resources and initiatives more effective. 

By concentrating on the demographics most likely to convert, companies can more efficiently deploy their budget and resources rather than using generic techniques that can appeal to a wide audience. 

Higher conversion rates and a better return on investment (ROI) result from this focused strategy.

Lifecycle Marketing

Age-based consumer segmentation makes it easier for businesses to customize their tactics to correspond with the customer journey stages. 

Businesses can modify their messaging and offer to account for customers’ changing needs and preferences at various points in their lives, from acquisition and onboarding to retention and re-engagement. 

This proactive strategy fosters customer loyalty and long-term relationships.

SaaS Customer Segmentation Strategies

Demographic Segmentation

Divide your audience by age, location, gender, income, and education level.

Tailor your messages and offers according to the preferences and lifestyles of Gen Z and Millennials.

Psychographic Segmentation

Analyze behavior, values, interests, and lifestyle choices to create detailed customer personas.

Craft targeted marketing campaigns that speak to the aspirations and concerns of Gen Z and Millennials.

Behavioral Segmentation

Segment buyers based on their interactions with your software platform, such as frequency of use, feature adoption, and engagement levels.

Personalize the user experience by suggesting content according to their needs, features, and upgrades based on behavior.

Technographic Segmentation

Consider Gen Z and Millennials’ digital behaviors and preferences, including device usage, social media platforms, and communication channels.

Optimize your marketing channels and strategies to meet your audience where they are most active.

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Reaching GenZ and Millennials: Strategies for Success

Armed with a deep understanding of customer segments, SaaS businesses can implement targeted strategies to engage GenZ and Millennials effectively:

Embrace Omnichannel Marketing

For Gen Z and Millennials, life is a constant flow of devices, apps, and real-world experiences. Their digital and physical worlds are entangled. 

They hop from Instagram to Snapchat to TikTok, from texts to DMs to video calls, all while handling work, friends, hobbies, and errands.

Their brand experiences and relationships need to be able to flow seamlessly across all these touchpoints and channels. 

These generations expect the companies they love to integrate into their lifestyles fully and consistently show up, whether scrolling their feeds, watching videos, checking emails, or talking to smart assistants.

SaaS businesses can’t operate in silos anymore, with separate teams handling different marketing channels. 

Businesses need unified, omnichannel strategies that create cohesive experiences no matter where the customer interacts with the brand. 

Social media, mobile apps, email, ads, and influencer marketing all have to feel continuous and aligned.

Having fragmented brand voices and experiences across channels doesn’t work for these generations. 

SaaS companies must tightly orchestrate their presence everywhere Gen Z and Millennials live, work, and play to create a seamless, integrated journey that matches how they truly experience life and brands today.

Leverage User-Generated Content and Influencer Marketing 

With Gen Z and Millennials, traditional business advertising is no longer effective. 

Their entire lives have been filled with cheat marketing. However, genuine, accessible voices and content truly resonate with them.

Their friends, followers, and online communities greatly influence these generations’ purchase habits and brand loyalty. 

A simple tweet, TikTok video, or Instagram post from someone they approve of and trust has far more influence than any sponsored content or TV ad.

For this reason, SaaS brands must leverage influencer marketing and user-generated content (UGC). 

Those who actually use and like your products are the ones who should be making reviews, tutorials, and candid videos. Their testimonies and recommendations will have a much greater impact than any scripted ad.

You can’t sit back and wait for this organic content. You need to cultivate it actively. Identify your biggest fans and advocates, then work hand-in-hand with them. 

Collaborate with influencers relevant to your niche that GenZ and Millennials already follow and trust. But always maintain transparency about the relationship.

With UGC and influencers providing that essential social proof, credibility, and sense of authenticity, SaaS brands can flip the script on traditional marketing. 

Instead of just pushing out content, you’re empowering devoted customers and respected voices to shape your brand narrative from the inside out powerfully.

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Prioritize User Experience and Design 

For Gen Z and Millennials, good design and user experience aren’t just preferences; they are essential requirements. 

They have grown up in a world of intuitive apps, gorgeous websites, and silky-smooth interfaces. Anything that feels clunky, confusing, or ugly is instantly dismissed.

These generations have had their expectations set sky-high by the Instagrams, Spotify, and Ubers of the world. 

No matter how small, every interaction needs to be visually appealing and delightfully intuitive. They have a keen eye for aesthetics and zero tolerance for poor UX.

This extends across all devices and platforms, too. They seamlessly flow between their phones, laptops, tablets, wearables, and smart home devices. 

Your SaaS product has to work perfectly and look beautiful, whether multitasking on a desktop, quickly replying on a smartwatch or controlling things hands-free with a voice assistant.

If your app, website, or platform feels like it has yet to have a design refresh since 2010, you can forget about winning over GenZ and Millennials. 

They’ll take one look and hit the eject button before you say “user testing.”

For SaaS companies looking to captivate these generations, investing heavily in user experience and design isn’t just smart business; it’s an existential necessity. 

Every pixel, interaction, and transition must be thoughtfully crafted and perfected. Only then can you hope to meet their standards of beautiful simplicity and intuitive elegance.

Implement Personalization and Customization 

The GenZ and Millennials grew up in a hyper-personalized world. Hence, you can’t ignore personalization in your SaaS customer segmentation plan.

They continuously receive personalized experiences, such as Spotify Wrapped, Instagram ads, and Netflix recommendations.

Consequently, they have evolved an extremely refined taste in customization. If a brand doesn’t make them feel truly understood as an individual, they tune out.

This is where SaaS companies can shine by leveraging all the data and advanced tech. 

These generations will gladly trade personal info and behavioral data for experiences custom-fitted to their unique needs and tastes.

For instance, a project management app that autodrafts personalized task lists and calendars based on your work patterns and preferences, a learning platform that adapts its curriculum and teaching style to match your age, interests, and optimal study times, or a wellness service that analyzes your sleep, activity, and nutrition data to prescribe a bespoke mindfulness regimen.

By leaning into machine learning, predictive analytics, and all the AI qualities in their arsenal, SaaS brands can make every user feel special and understood individually. 

From your first interaction, you can greet them with personalized messaging, recommendations, and customizations. And this personalization should extend far beyond just the product. 

Gen Z and Millennials expect white gloves, bespoke treatment from customer support, and speedy resolutions from executives who understand their unique situation and needs.

If you can nail end-to-end personalization and make each member of these generations feel truly seen, you’ll have customers for life. 

In their worlds of endless options and choices, relevance is everything.

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Foster Community Engagement 

Brands aren’t just companies for Gen Z and Millennials; they’re communities to join. These generations want deep social connections beyond transactional relationships.

They want to be a part of an innovative movement, an inspiring philosophy, and a passionate fanbase united by shared interests and values. 

The most successful brands with these groups can create a sense of community and belonging.

SaaS companies should tap into this by fostering engaged communities regarding their products and services. 


You can have great marketing and seamless user experiences, but creating authentic community experiences builds loyalty.

For example, a fitness app that goes beyond tracking workouts cultivates an inclusive community of health and body-positive warriors who support each other’s journeys, or a digital workspace that brings remote teams together through virtual events, workshops, and open discussion forums.

Community-building possibilities are endless when you have passionate users united by common goals and interests. 

SaaS brands must provide spaces for connections to flourish through user-generated content hubs, community mentorship programs, and ambassador initiatives.

They must also nurture an environment of openness, vulnerability, and acceptance. These generations want to be authentic and have honest discussions. 

Meetings that need to feel seen, heard, and part of something bigger are what separate community-centered companies from forgettable brands.

For Gen Z and Millennials, the most valuable thing a SaaS product can offer is its utility. Add the possibility of forging human connections, and you’ll have customers for life.

Embrace Social Responsibility and Transparency 

Supporting brands that share their values around social and environmental responsibility is non-negotiable. 

This age scrutinizes companies through an ethical lens, only giving their loyalty to those making authentic, tangible efforts to impact people and the planet positively.

Greenwashing or superficial social media activism doesn’t work nowadays. These generations demand that brands truly embody the change they publicly claim to uphold.

This requires SaaS businesses to integrate sustainability, ethical practices, and social accountability into the core of their operations and company cultures. 

They must lead by example, from implementing environmentally friendly office policies and ensuring ethical supply chains to supporting charitable causes through donations and volunteer initiatives.

GenZ and Millennials also expect unprecedented transparency and open communication around these efforts. 

SaaS companies must proactively share the details, data, goals, and accountability measures demonstrating their commitments. 

They should openly acknowledge missteps and areas needing improvement while outlining concrete improvement plans.

By fostering two-way dialogues where they don’t just broadcast but actively listen to the perspectives of these generations, SaaS brands can ensure their social responsibility initiatives truly resonate and create maximum positive impact.

In the eyes of Gen Z and Millennials, ethical business is no longer a brand differentiator but a necessity for building credibility and loyalty. 

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Continuous Innovation and Agility 

Millennials and GenZ were the first generations to experience the evolution from flip phones to sleek smartphones that are more powerful than desktop computers. 

They saw video games transform from 8-bit pixels to photorealistic virtual worlds in just a few years. This turbo-charged cycle of innovation and disruption is their daily reality. 

So, when it comes to the brands, apps, and services they use, they need more patience for anything that feels stale, stagnant, or outdated. Hence, you must consider this in your SaaS customer segmentation strategy.

In their minds, the second a company stops updating, iterating, and pushing boundaries is the second it starts becoming irrelevant. 

This mindset presents an exciting challenge for SaaS companies. You can’t just build a great product or experience once and coast; you must treat innovation as an endless marathon with no finish line. 

Continually optimizing, enhancing, and future-proofing needs to be part of your company’s core value system.

That means a constant feedback loop with customers to understand their evolving needs and desires. Detect micro-trends and macro-shifts before they happen. 

Rapidly prototyping and fearlessly experimenting without the fear of failure. For SaaS brands looking to captivate GenZ and Millennials, true agility is an existential requirement for survival. 

Because for these generations, the only thing just as unappealing as a brand that never changes can’t keep up when change happens.


In SaaS customer segmentation, winning over GenZ and Millennials demands beyond basic demographics and oversimplified personas. 

These generations have been conditioned for hyper-personalization and can smell one-size-fits-all irrelevance from a mile away.

For SaaS companies that nail that sweet spot of hyper-personalized relevance and authentic purpose, the rewards are immense. They unlock fierce devotion from the consumers who will dominate for decades. 

If you get it right, you’ll be more than just another tech company; you’ll be an indispensable part of their identity.

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