12 New SaaS Content Marketing Strategies To Boost Conversions

Updated: March 7, 2024
saas content marketing

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Making an impactful online presence via SaaS content marketing requires establishing trust and reputation. 

SaaS content marketing is a strategic way to use content to attract and engage your target audience.

By effectively implementing content marketing strategies, SaaS companies can drive high MRR and ARR and establish themselves as leaders in their industry. 

What is SaaS Content Marketing?

SaaS content marketing is a digital marketing technique for acquiring, engaging, and converting potential customers by providing informative and valuable content that enables a relationship between the software and its target audience.

The purpose of SaaS content marketing is:

  • Informing potential users about the benefits and features of the SaaS product. 
  • Attracting and capturing leads through valuable and relevant content. 
  • Positioning the SaaS company as an expert in the industry. 
  • Creating content that addresses user concerns and establishes credibility. 
  • Providing resources to help new users understand and adopt the SaaS solution. 
  • Keeping existing users engaged and informed about updates or additional features. 
  • Enhancing online presence and search engine rankings through strategic content. 
  • Building a community around the product through shared content and discussions. 
  • Convincing potential users to become paying customers through compelling content. 
  • Increasing recognition and awareness of the SaaS brand in the market.

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What Are the Advantages of SaaS Content Marketing? 

SaaS content marketing helps SaaS companies to:

  • Create and promote valuable, informative content that introduces their brand to a wider audience.
  • Lower CAC compared to traditional marketing methods. 
  • Access a global audience and target specific markets with tailored content. 
  • Establish the SaaS brand as an industry authority by providing valuable information. 
  • Foster ongoing relationships with users through relevant and engaging content. 
  • Quickly adjust content strategies based on market trends and user feedback. 
  • Attract and convert leads through informative and persuasive content. 
  • Enhance brand awareness and visibility in a crowded digital landscape. 
  • Achieve higher organic rankings for increased visibility. 
  • Optimize content for relevant keywords and subjects to improve search engine visibility. 
  • Achieve marketing goals with a relatively low financial investment. 

Best SaaS Content Marketing Strategies For High Conversions

1- Create a Buyer Persona and Define Your Objectives

A SaaS buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal buyers based on market research. Creating a buyer persona helps your SaaS content marketing tactics align with your target customers’ needs. 

You can create a buyer persona by gathering data from various sources like surveys, sales records, and social media experiences.  

Based on the collected data, fictional personas representing different sections of your target audience can be created. 

Here is an example buyer persona template which you can revise to fit your custom requirements:


Also See: Defining Ideal Customer Profile For Software Companies

2- Research Keywords For Each Stage of the SaaS Buyer Funnel

By researching keywords for each stage of the SaaS customer acquisition funnel, you can tailor your content according to your buyers’ needs. 

Keywords in the awareness stage should focus on a bigger and broader spectrum of topics. 

Provide pain points and more description of the software to the audience at this stage of their journey, like ā€œbenefits of (your software).ā€ 

Be more specific in the consideration stage. For example, ā€œbest product for (this specific use only).ā€ 

The decision stage should include software details such as the ā€œproduct name,ā€ ā€œpricing,ā€ and ā€œreviews.ā€ 

For example, Salesforce uses keywords like “CRM advantages” or “sales pipeline management” to attract the audience’s interest in the awareness stage. 

The consideration stage targets keywords like “Salesforce Versus Microsoft Dynamics.” 

In the decision stage keywords like “Salesforce pricing” and ā€œSales pricing for small businessā€ are used.

3- Perform Content Gap Analysis

Content gap analysis is identifying gaps in your existing content. 

You must optimize your existing content or create new content to drive better engagement and conversions.  

You should also analyze your competitors to determine the gaps in your current SaaS content marketing strategy.

Zendesk, a customer service platform, attracts users by ensuring they deliver helpful and relevant content. 

A survey by Foundation Inc. suggests that Zendesk drives 12 times more traffic than its closest competitors, such as Zoho, Intercom, and Gladly.Ā 


Hence, determining the content gap is crucial for SaaS businesses to identify what is lacking in their current content strategy and how much they need to improve. 

To perform SaaS content gap analysis:

  • Compile a list of existing assets categorized by format and topic. 
  • Evaluate competitor content. 
  • Conduct keyword research for topic relevance. 
  • Assess content quality, relevance, and performance metrics. 
  • Prioritize gaps based on importance. 
  • Develop a plan to address identified gaps.

4- Build a Content Calendar

Building a content calendar for your SaaS content marketing will help you make data-driven decisions. You can identify the kind of content to create to acquire B2B leads.

A content calendar:

  • Keeps content creation organized and structured. 
  • Ensures a consistent publishing schedule. 
  • Allows strategic planning for campaigns and themes. 
  • Streamlines workflow by scheduling in advance. 
  • Facilitates team collaboration and communication. 
  • Aids in tracking and analyzing content performance. 
  • Enables adjustments based on trends and audience response.

How to build a content calendar:

  • Choose a tool like Trello or CoSchedule. 
  • Define content objectives (e.g., lead gen, awareness). 
  • Understand and cater to your target users. 
  • Identify key content themes and categories. 
  • Conduct SEO-friendly keyword research. 
  • Plan monthly themes for cohesive content. 
  • Include diverse content types (blogs, videos, webinars). 
  • Establish a consistent publishing schedule. 
  • Define the content creation process. 
  • Assign roles and responsibilities. 
  • Plan how and where to promote each piece. 
  • Regularly adjust your content calendar based on analytics.

Also See: Decoding SaaS Growth: High-MRR SaaS Advertising Techniques

5- Prepare Content For TOFU, MOFU and BOFU Stages (Start With BOFU)

The abbreviations TOFU, MOFU, and BOFU are used to define a buyer’s journey in stages. 

TOFU represents the top of the funnel, MOFU corresponds to the middle of the funnel, and BOFU signifies the bottom of the funnel.

The content should be conversion-oriented for BOFU. To generate leads, customers can be offered discounts or trial periods.

While creating content for BOFU, you should highlight the features of your SaaS products and services. The SaaS solutions you provide can also be compared with other products. 

TOFU content, on the other hand, mainly consists of educational content that enlightens your target audience about your specific industry and its trends. 

Intercom is a customer messaging platform engaged with multiple businesses. It creates content in the form of podcasts for the TOFU audience, webinars for the MOFU stage, and free trials for the BOFU stage. 

Also See: The Definitive Guide To SaaS Pricing Models

6- Divide Your Content Into Content Clusters

Dividing content into clusters helps to improve the topical authority of your domain. The content should have a central theme, and the content clusters should provide further information related 

to that specific theme. 

To divide your content into clusters, you need to identify the core topicsā€”the themes that are relevant to your product and will interest the target audience. 

Once you are done with that, prepare the pillar content, which will be the base, and link all the other content together. 

Work on the subtopics and the supporting content to back your core theme.

Shopify creates well-designed content clusters to gain topical authority and improve its internal 

linking structure.

7- Run Evergreen SaaS Email Campaign For The Most Qualified Leads

Email campaigns are one of the best and easiest ways to nurture leads. 

Emails can help you deliver targeted messages and promote your products according to your needs. You can segment the emails based on different customer preferences. 

Create an email list through subscription, social media, and website. Choose a reliable email platform where the data will stay protected, and start sending personalized emails to your audience according to their demographics. 

Here are some tips to follow:

  • Craft a series of automated email campaigns. 
  • Tailor content to engage highly qualified leads. 
  • Focus on evergreen topics that remain relevant over time. 
  • Personalize emails based on lead behavior and preferences. 
  • Highlight key features and benefits of your SaaS product. 
  • Include customer testimonials to build trust. 
  • Provide educational content to showcase your expertise. 
  • Encourage leads to schedule demos or trial your product. 
  • Implement A/B testing to optimize email performance. 

Here are some email types that are suitable for SaaS businesses:

  • Onboarding Emails 
  • Educational Content Emails 
  • Product Update Emails 
  • Trial Expiration Reminder 
  • Emails Abandoned Cart Emails 
  • Customer Feedback Emails 
  • Upsell/Cross-sell Emails 
  • Renewal Reminder 
  • Emails Event or Webinar Invitation Emails 
  • Reengagement Emails

GoDaddy does an excellent job of sending promotional emails to persuade buyers to buy their advertised offerings and complete the payment.


8- Partner With SaaS Influencers

Influencers are individuals who have a very strong online presence. 

Develop a comprehensive influencer marketing plan that outlines your goals, target audience, messaging, content formats, distribution channels, and metrics for success. 

Here are some tips to utilize SaaS influencers to grow your brand:

  • Identify the influencers who have a significantly higher following. Knowing their field and expertise is very important as it should align with what you offer. 
  • Build a relationship and try to collaborate with them; it can be done via emails or social media.
  • Be very precise with your goals and expectations. Offer the influencer something of value in exchange for their collaboration. 

Some of the popular SaaS influencers are:

  • Rand Fishkin
  • Ty Smith
  • Brian Halligan
  • Dharmesh Shah
  • Jason Lemkin 
  • Neil Patel
  • Sujan Patel 
  • Steli Efti 
  • Tomasz Tunguz 
  • David Cancel 
  • Bridget Harris 
  • Aaron Ross 
  • Lincoln Murphy 
  • Danielle Morrill

Also See: The Definitive Guide to SaaS Influencer Marketing

9- Run Paid Ads on Search Engines and Social Media

Paid advertisements are a form of marketing in which businesses pay to increase brand awareness, gain leads, promote products, and boost conversions. They are a common strategy that SaaS companies implement to acquire new customers and increase website traffic. 

Different kinds of paid ads that SaaS companies can use to amplify their product reach are:

  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM) 
  • Display Advertising 
  • Social Media Advertising 
  • Pay-Per-Click (PPC) 
  • Retargeting Ads 
  • Native Advertising 
  • Video Advertising 
  • Affiliate Marketing 
  • Email Marketing Ads 
  • Sponsorships 
  • Programmatic Advertising 
  • Podcast Advertising 
  • Quora Ads

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10- Repurpose Your Content (Hint: Convert Text To Visual and Video Content and Vice Versa)

Repurposing content is a clever strategy for SaaS marketing. It allows companies to maximize the value of their existing content assets, reach new audiences, and reinforce key messages across various channels.

Repurposing the content implies how you can change the format of your content to get more engagement. Here are some tips to follow:

  • Identify your primary content that can be converted and deserves more reach. 
  • This content can include anything that is a strong selling point, including reviews, blog posts, introductions to a new feature, how-to guides, and even an overview. 
  • Write a script based on the story you are trying to deliver. Choose the animation, graphics, and visual design for the video or the template for a blog post that is eye-catching. 
  • Mold the content according to your requirements and optimize it for all of your social media platforms, websites, and channels.

One of the best examples of content repurposing is Mozā€™s Whiteboard Friday. Moz runs a famous video series called Whiteboard Friday, in which digital marketing experts use a Whiteboard to explain multiple topics. These video explanations are then turned into blog posts.

11- Publish More Thought-Leadership Content and Case Studies

Thought-leadership content and case studies showcase your expertise and success stories, establishing your SaaS company as a knowledgeable and trustworthy authority in the industry. 

Here are some tips to follow: 

  • Highlight case studies demonstrating how your SaaS solution has solved specific client problems. 
  • Publish insightful articles that position your company as an authority in the industry, discussing trends, challenges, and solutions. 
  • Hold webinars to share interesting industry information and inform people about any product changes or improvements. 
  • Create in-depth resources that explain industry-specific topics, providing valuable information for your target audience. 
  • Conduct interviews with industry experts or your team members to share unique perspectives and knowledge. 
  • Start a podcast series discussing relevant topics, featuring guest experts, and sharing insights about your SaaS industry. 
  • Conduct and publish research on industry trends, presenting data-driven insights to establish credibility. 
  • Visualize key statistics, trends, or data points in an easily digestible format for quick consumption and sharing. 
  • Develop quizzes, assessments, or interactive tools that engage your audience and provide personalized insights. 
  • Share your perspectives on industry happenings, emerging trends, and best practices across social media platforms. 
  • Provide updates, roadmaps to new features, and development & behind the scenes stories to your audience.

12- Leverage Leading Saas Content Marketing Tools

SaaS content marketing tools will smoothen your content creation and distribution process, resulting in more effective and increased content efficiency.

Some of the industry-leading SaaS content marketing platforms that you can use to create and market content are: 


Canva is an easy-to-use tool for designing blog banners, graphics, and templates for case studies. 

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an all-in-one tool. It tracks your performance, markets your efforts, checks your users’ actions, conversion rates, and content effectiveness, and makes data-driven decisions.


Contentful is a content management system that helps teams to create, manage, and distribute content across various channels. It’s particularly useful for creating and seamlessly delivering content to different platforms.


SEMrush is an inbound marketing software that offers tools for keyword research, SEO writing, technical audits, backlink tracking, and others.


Videoask is an open-ended video-making tool through which you can interact with your prospects, and they can respond with text, images, or videos. 


Sprout Social is a top-rated social media management platform, but it also includes tools for content planning and publishing across various social channels.

Also See: How to Value Your SaaS Business?


A thorough understanding of your buyer persona is the foundation of a powerful SaaS content marketing strategy. Identify your ideal buyers and note their pain points, challenges, goals, and preferences. This will help you publish content that effectively addresses their needs. 

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