The 10 Best B2B SaaS Marketing Agencies for 2024

Updated: July 10, 2024

We grow SaaS businesses. Let’s start growing.

In the ever-evolving world of technology, B2B SaaS companies face a constant challenge to stay ahead of the competition, attract new clients, and retain existing ones. This is where partnering with a top-notch B2B SaaS marketing agency can make all the difference.

One key strategy used by B2B SaaS marketing agencies is account-based marketing, which targets specific high-value accounts to maximize ROI.

By tapping into their specialized expertise, you can create targeted, compelling marketing campaigns that drive growth and build lasting relationships with your customers.

Are you ready to discover the top 10 B2B SaaS marketing agencies, learn about the most effective marketing strategies, and explore the future of this dynamic industry? Let’s dive in

Key Takeaways

  • B2B SaaS marketing agencies offer specialized services to businesses, helping them reach their target audience and drive conversions.

  • Successful B2B SaaS marketing requires leveraging partner marketing, SEO, paid search & social ads, content marketing, and PR.

  • Partnering with a B2B SaaS agency provides access to expertise, cost efficiency & scalability for long-term growth.

  • Partnering with a B2B SaaS marketing agency can help optimize ‘customer acquisition cost’ by leveraging specialized expertise and targeted strategies.

The Importance of B2B SaaS Marketing Agencies

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Businesses rely on B2B marketing agencies to reach their marketing objectives due to their expertise in custom marketing services for companies targeting other businesses. These agencies understand the unique challenges faced by tech companies offering products or services to other businesses, and are equipped to devise and maintain effective marketing strategies that keep them ahead of the curve.

A B2B marketing agency offers a wide range of services, such as:

  • Content marketing

  • Traditional advertising

  • PPC management

  • SEO

  • Influencer marketing

  • Social media management

B2B marketing agencies also focus on demand generation to create interest and drive demand for their clients’ products or services.

These services help businesses reach their target audience and drive conversions. Their primary focus is on business-to-business marketing, which means they have an in-depth understanding of the specific needs and expectations of the B2B market.

With today’s fierce competition, an alliance with a top-tier B2B marketing agency can give your business the necessary marketing advantage for success. By leveraging their specialized expertise and insights, you can ensure your marketing efforts are targeted, compelling, and effective, ultimately leading to increased customer acquisition, retention, and revenue growth.

Top B2B SaaS Marketing Strategies

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For any business aiming to thrive in the SaaS industry, a well-crafted B2B marketing strategy is indispensable. It allows you to identify how various marketing approaches can be interconnected and optimized for cost-effectiveness and maximum impact. Marketing analytics is crucial for measuring the effectiveness of various marketing strategies and optimizing them for better results. Partner marketing, in particular, plays a significant role in B2B marketing. This includes affiliate, advocacy, and referral programs, co-branding, and influencer marketing campaigns.

One effective approach to lead generation is the strategy employed by Tilt Metrics, which combines search engine marketing, SEO, paid search, and paid social ads to generate leads for businesses. By utilizing a combination of these marketing strategies, you can increase your chances of attracting and converting a higher volume of qualified leads and ultimately drive revenue growth.

Also Read: Top SaaS PR Agencies

The subsequent sections will explore four integral B2B SaaS marketing strategies in more detail.

  1. Inbound marketing

  2. Content marketing

  3. Social media marketing

  4. Paid advertising

Understanding and implementing these strategies is essential for any business looking to succeed in the competitive SaaS landscape.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing, a strategy focusing on drawing in potential customers with valuable content and personalized experiences, is fundamental for B2B SaaS companies. By implementing inbound marketing, you can:

  • Increase website traffic

  • Generate leads

  • Convert leads into customers

  • Contribute to revenue growth

This is achieved by building trust and credibility with your target audience through valuable content and personalized experiences. Lead nurturing is an essential component of inbound marketing, helping to build relationships with potential customers and guide them through the sales funnel.

Content marketing, social media marketing, and paid advertising are some of the most common inbound marketing strategies employed by businesses today, including digital marketing. A few notable examples of successful inbound marketing campaigns include HubSpot’s “Grow Your Business” campaign, Salesforce’s “Dreamforce” campaign, and Adobe’s “Creative Cloud” campaign.

Implementing inbound marketing effectively allows you to:

  • Create content that is aligned with the needs of your target audience

  • Inspire long-term customer relationships

  • Drive growth

  • Set your business apart from the competition

By focusing growth marketing more on providing real value to your potential customers.

Content Marketing

Content marketing also constitutes a pivotal element of a triumphant B2B SaaS marketing strategy. It involves creating and distributing relevant, valuable, and consistent content to attract and engage a target audience, ultimately driving profitable customer action. By addressing the issues faced by your audience and delivering real value through your content, you can establish yourself as a trusted authority in your industry. Additionally, content marketing can help establish a company as a thought leader in its industry by providing valuable insights and expertise.

B2B marketing agencies provide a range of digital marketing services, including content marketing professional services firm, such as:

  • Creative services for creating content optimized for search

  • Strategic placements on other blogs and websites

  • SEO

  • High-quality video content

By leveraging these

Social Media Marketing

Promoting B2B SaaS products and services, engaging potential clients, and nurturing brand recognition can be effectively done using social media marketing, a potent tool. Social media marketing is a powerful tool for increasing brand awareness and reaching a wider audience. By leveraging various social media platforms, you can reach a wider audience and establish a strong, consistent presence in your industry.

A reputable B2B marketing agency can provide assistance with social media marketing, ranging from devising a social media strategy to creating optimized content and establishing channels for efficient management. Many agencies also offer social media management services, ensuring that your brand’s social media presence remains consistent and engaging.

While some social media platforms may be more effective for B2B marketing than others, platforms like:

  • YouTube

  • Twitter

  • LinkedIn

  • Facebook

Social media platforms have proven to be particularly successful in reaching and engaging with potential customers. By implementing a well-thought-out social media marketing strategy, you can significantly boost your brand’s visibility and generate valuable leads.

Paid Advertising

Paid advertising also forms a crucial part of a winning B2B SaaS marketing strategy. It involves utilizing various platforms, such as search engines, social media, websites, or mobile apps, to display ads in exchange for payment. These ads are typically tailored to a specific audience based on factors like demographics, interests, or search behavior, with the primary objectives of increasing brand visibility, driving traffic, and generating leads or sales. Conversion rate optimization is a key focus of paid advertising, aiming to maximize the number of leads or sales generated from ad campaigns.

A B2B marketing agency can offer paid media planning and buying services, such as SEM and PPC campaigns. This includes paid placements on various platforms, including social media ads, TV, radio, podcast, and print media. By leveraging paid advertising, businesses can broaden their reach, create potential customers, and raise brand recognition.

When choosing a B2B marketing agency, assessing their experience and skill in paid media planning and buying is a must. Partnering with an agency that has a proven track record in this area can help ensure that your paid advertising efforts are targeted, effective, and deliver a strong return on investment.

Top 10 B2B SaaS Marketing Agencies

To help you navigate the world of B2B SaaS marketing agencies, we have curated a list of the top 10 agencies, along with their specialties, success stories, and unique value propositions.


Based in New York, Clickstrike specializes in agile marketing, helping businesses adapt quickly to changing market conditions and customer needs.

This agency has a particular focus on B2B SaaS businesses and offers services such as content marketing, SEO, and social media management.

Clickstrike is a top choice for SaaS companies backed by VCs like Sequoia Capital, Draper Associates, 500 Startups, and more.

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Tilt Metrics

Tilt Metrics Screenshot

Tilt Metrics, located in Boston, focuses on SEO and paid ads, delivering exceptional results for businesses of all sizes. They excel in performance marketing, focusing on measurable results through SEO and paid ads. Their services are particularly beneficial for B2B SaaS companies looking to increase their online visibility and attract more leads.

Acceleration Partners

Acceleration Partners is a global agency with offices in the USA, UK, and Singapore. They offer a wide range of B2B marketing services, including affiliate, influencer, content, and mass media marketing. Their expertise in partner marketing makes them a top choice for B2B SaaS companies.

Straight North

Operating from Chicago, Straight North uses a growth-hacking approach to help businesses rapidly scale and achieve their marketing goals. They offer a variety of services, including SEO, PPC, and email marketing, making them a comprehensive solution for B2B SaaS companies.

Expandi Group

Expandi Group, based in London, helps technology companies expand their digital footprint through targeted marketing strategies. Their services include digital marketing, content creation, and SEO, making them a great choice for B2B SaaS companies looking to expand their reach.

The MX Group

The MX Group, located in Chicago, provides a highly-skilled B2B marketing team that works closely with clients to drive growth and success. They offer services such as content marketing, digital strategy, and lead generation, providing a comprehensive marketing solution for B2B SaaS businesses.

Deviate Labs

Deviate Labs Agency Screenshot

Deviate Labs is based in Los Angeles and specializes in innovative marketing solutions. Their services include growth hacking, content marketing, and SEO, making them a unique choice for B2B SaaS companies.


Jellyfish is a global agency with offices in the USA, UK, and South Africa. They offer marketing workshops, courses, and training seminars, helping businesses develop their in-house marketing expertise. Their focus on education makes them a unique choice for B2B SaaS companies.


Based in New York, Huemor combines unique storytelling, web development, and design to create unforgettable brand experiences. They offer services such as web design, branding, and content marketing, making them a creative choice for B2B SaaS companies.


Kalungi, located in Seattle, provides the only full-service, outsourced B2B SaaS marketing team, allowing businesses to focus on what they do best. Their services include content marketing, digital advertising, and strategic planning, making them an ideal choice

An alliance with any of these top B2B SaaS marketing agencies can equip your business with specialized expertise, innovative strategies, and a proven success record. Each agency offers unique value propositions tailored to the specific needs of B2B SaaS companies, ensuring that you can find the perfect fit for your business.

How to Choose the Right B2B SaaS Marketing Agency

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Choosing the right B2B SaaS marketing agency for your business may seem challenging, but considering several key factors can streamline the process. First and foremost, it is essential to evaluate the agency’s industry experience and track record of success. This can be done by examining their past works, client testimonials, and case studies, which can provide valuable insights into their expertise and achievements.

Another important factor to consider is the range of services offered by the agency. Make sure they provide the specific marketing services your business requires, such as content marketing, social media marketing, or paid advertising. You should also assess whether the agency will supplement or substitute your current or existing marketing team with, and if they have an internal marketing team to work together with the agency.

Budget is another crucial aspect to take into account when choosing a B2B SaaS marketing agency. Ensure that the agency’s pricing structure aligns with your business’s budget and expectations, and consider the potential return on investment they can deliver.

Lastly, look for an agency that is not only well-versed in the latest developments in B2B SaaS marketing but also adapts to evolving trends and technologies. This will ensure that your marketing efforts remain relevant and effective in the ever-changing landscape of the SaaS industry.

B2B SaaS Marketing Agencies vs B2C SaaS Marketing Agencies

A B2B SaaS (Business-to-Business Software as a Service) agency and a B2C SaaS (Business-to-Consumer Software as a Service) agency differ primarily in their target audiences and the strategies they employ. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences:

1. Target Audience

B2B SaaS Agency:

  • Targets other businesses and organizations.
  • Focuses on providing software solutions that enhance business operations, productivity, and efficiency.
  • Examples: CRM software, project management tools, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems.

B2C SaaS Agency:

  • Targets individual consumers.
  • Provides software solutions that cater to personal use or enhance everyday life.
  • Examples: Personal finance apps, fitness tracking software, and entertainment streaming services.

2. Sales and Marketing Strategies

B2B SaaS Agency:

  • Utilizes relationship-driven marketing approaches such as account-based marketing (ABM).
  • Relies heavily on content marketing, case studies, whitepapers, webinars, and industry events to educate and engage potential clients.
  • Sales cycles are typically longer and involve multiple decision-makers.
  • Emphasizes ROI and long-term benefits of the software.

B2C SaaS Agency:

  • Focuses on direct-to-consumer marketing strategies like social media advertising, influencer marketing, and email marketing.
  • Often uses freemium models or free trials to attract users.
  • Sales cycles are shorter and decisions are made by individual consumers.
  • Emphasizes user experience, ease of use, and immediate benefits.

3. Product Complexity and Customization

B2B SaaS Agency:

  • Products are often more complex and customizable to fit the specific needs of different businesses.
  • Requires integration with existing business systems and workflows.
  • Offers extensive customer support and training to ensure proper implementation and use.

B2C SaaS Agency:

  • Products are generally simpler and designed for easy, intuitive use by a broad audience.
  • Customization is minimal, focusing instead on appealing to a wide range of individual preferences.
  • Customer support is usually more streamlined, with a focus on FAQs, knowledge bases, and user communities.

Understanding these differences helps in tailoring the approach and strategies to effectively market and sell SaaS products to the respective audiences.

Case Studies: Successful B2B SaaS Marketing Campaigns

To demonstrate the impact of effective B2B SaaS marketing, let’s examine some successful campaigns run by leading agencies. These case studies showcase the strategies employed, the results achieved, and the key takeaways that can be applied to your own marketing efforts.

  1. Dropbox’s Referral Campaign: This innovative campaign offered additional storage space to both the referrer and the referred user, resulting in a significant increase in user sign-ups and a massive boost in brand awareness.

  2. HubSpot’s “Grow Your Business” Campaign: By offering valuable content, such as ebooks, webinars, and blog posts, HubSpot was able to generate a high volume of qualified leads and drive revenue growth.

  3. Salesforce’s “Dreamforce” Campaign: This annual event brings together thousands of industry professionals to share insights, network, and learn about the latest trends in B2B SaaS marketing. The event has become a key driver of brand awareness and customer engagement for Salesforce.

  4. Adobe’s “Creative Cloud” Campaign: Through targeted content marketing, Adobe was able to showcase the value of its Creative Cloud suite of products, resulting in a significant increase in subscriptions and revenue growth.

These case studies demonstrate the potential outcomes of effective B2B SaaS marketing campaigns, which can include heightened brand recognition, heightened customer engagement, and increased revenue. By analyzing the strategies employed in these successful campaigns, you can gain valuable insights that can be applied to your own marketing efforts.

Also read: Best SaaS Marketing Campaigns

The Future of B2B SaaS Marketing

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Unquestionably, B2B SaaS marketing’s future is bright, presenting businesses with various channels to interact with their customers in innovative and meaningful ways. Recent advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and marketing automation, are expected to play a significant role in optimizing marketing processes and enhancing the customer experience.

Cloud computing, big data, and analytics are also expected to have a major influence on the industry, enabling businesses to gain a deeper understanding of their customers and deliver more tailored experiences. At the same time, data privacy, security, and compliance challenges will prompt businesses to be more prudent with their utilization of customer data, ensuring that their marketing efforts remain both effective and responsible.

As the B2B SaaS marketing landscape continues to evolve, staying abreast of the latest trends, technologies, and challenges will be essential for businesses looking to maintain a competitive edge. By partnering with a top B2B SaaS marketing agency, you can ensure that your marketing efforts remain cutting-edge, targeted, and effective, driving growth and success in this dynamic industry.

Benefits of Partnering with a B2B SaaS Marketing Agency

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Joining forces with a B2B SaaS marketing agency comes with numerous substantial benefits. One of the most notable advantages is the access to specialized knowledge and expertise that these agencies offer. By leveraging their deep understanding of the B2B SaaS marketing landscape, you can ensure that your marketing efforts are targeted, compelling, and effective.

Another key benefit is cost efficiency. Partnering with a B2B SaaS marketing agency can help your business save on the costs associated with hiring and training an in-house marketing team, as well as the expenses related to marketing tools and resources.

This enables you to allocate your resources more effectively and focus on your core business activities.

Finally, partnering with a B2B SaaS marketing agency can provide your business with increased flexibility and scalability. These agencies are well-equipped to adapt to changing market conditions and customer needs, ensuring that your marketing efforts remain agile and responsive.

By tapping into the specialized expertise and resources provided by a B2B SaaS marketing agency, you can set your business up for success and drive long-term growth.


In conclusion, partnering with a top B2B SaaS marketing agency can provide your business with the specialized expertise, cost savings, and scalability necessary to succeed in the competitive SaaS industry. By implementing the most effective marketing strategies, such as inbound marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, and paid advertising, you can drive growth, build lasting relationships with your customers, and stay ahead of the curve. As the future of B2B SaaS marketing continues to evolve, staying abreast of the latest trends, technologies, and challenges will be essential for maintaining a competitive edge and achieving long-term success.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is B2B SaaS marketing?

B2B SaaS marketing is a business-to-business approach of selling goods and services from one company to another, utilizing the Software-as-a-Service model in which the vendor takes over all deployment and maintenance tasks.

This model allows companies to focus on their core competencies and outsource the rest, while still having access to the latest technology. It also reduces the cost of ownership and allows for scalability.

What is a SaaS marketing agency?

A SaaS marketing agency specializes in creating data-driven plans to promote and sell subscription-based products, assisting businesses with customer acquisition, lead generation, driving sales, boosting conversions, and scaling exponentially.

They provide a comprehensive suite of services, including content creation, SaaS PR, email marketing, social media marketing, and more. They also offer analytics and reporting to track the success of their campaigns and measure ROI.

The agency works with businesses of all sizes, from startups to established enterprises.

How do you structure a B2B SaaS marketing team?

For optimal performance, a B2B SaaS marketing team should be structured to include skills in marketing leadership, product marketing, content marketing, demand generation/digital, and creative, depending on their individual needs.

Each of these skills requires a different set of skills and expertise, and the team should be tailored to the specific needs of the organization. For example, a product marketing team should have a deep understanding of the product, its features, and how to position it in the market. Content marketing teams should be responsible for content marketing.

How much do B2B SaaS companies spend on marketing?

B2B SaaS companies typically allocate between 10-35% of their revenue towards marketing, with an average of 20-25%, based on industry surveys.

What are the 4 biggest marketing agencies?

The ‘Big 4’ Advertising Agencies are Omnicom, WPP, Publicis and Interpublic Group, providing comprehensive services to global brands across a variety of industries. These agencies, however, do not strictly have a SaaS focus.

Looking to Grow Your SaaS Business?

Try Clickstrike, a leading B2B SaaS Marketing Agency. Trusted by leading tech companies.
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