An In-Depth Guide to SaaS Model Pricing Strategies

Updated: August 28, 2023

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Imagine a world where your SaaS business is thriving, customers are happy, and revenue is steadily pouring in. Sounds like a dream, right? Well, it doesn’t have to be. The secret sauce to achieving this level of success lies in mastering your SaaS model pricing strategy. Buckle up and join us on this in-depth exploration of SaaS pricing models, strategies, and tactics that will help you unlock the full potential of your SaaS business.

Key Takeaways

  • This guide provides an overview of different SaaS pricing models, their benefits and drawbacks, and how to choose the right one for your business.

  • Understand key metrics such as ARPA, LTV & ACV when optimizing your strategy to determine a profitable model.

  • Take into account psychological factors in pricing and work with a marketing agency for expertise & support.

Understanding SaaS Pricing Models

A graph showing different SaaS pricing models

When it comes to SaaS pricing, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. With a myriad of pricing models to choose from, it can be overwhelming to navigate the landscape and determine the best fit for your SaaS business.

This guide will walk you through the various SaaS pricing models, discussing their pros and cons, and the influence they can have on your business success.

Flat-Rate Pricing Model

The flat-rate pricing model is the epitome of simplicity. Offering a single product at a single price with a consistent set of features, it eliminates the complexity often associated with pricing tiers.

This straightforward approach can make revenue forecasting more accurate and facilitate communication and sales, potentially helping to acquire customers quickly.

However, flat-rate pricing isn’t a perfect fit for everyone. It may not be suitable for businesses requiring custom plans, customers may feel restricted, and it offers no upselling opportunities.

When it comes to serving enterprise clients, SaaS providers can either display prices upfront on their pricing page or invite prospects to arrange a sales call or demo for a quote.

Tiered Pricing Model

Enter the tiered pricing model, a popular approach that offers various packages with distinct features and prices, tailored to different customer segments and enabling upselling opportunities. This model can be considered a form of value-based pricing and appeals to a variety of customers by providing them with a range of options.

However, when designing the tiers, it’s important to keep in mind the intended customer base, as too many options can lead to confusion and complicate their decision-making process. Companies like Crazyegg, Zapier, and Quickbooks have successfully implemented tiered pricing, influenced by competitor-based pricing, and catering to different customer segments.

For instance, G Suite (Now Workspace) employs a dual approach of per seat pricing and value-based tiers, striking a balance between cost-effectiveness, customer acquisition, and retention while offering ample opportunities for business growth.

G Suite Workspace Pricing Tiers

Usage-Based Pricing Model

The usage-based pricing model is designed to provide a fair payment structure. This structure helps ensure that customers only pay for the services and resources they actually use.

Charging customers according to their utilization of the product, it offers transparency and flexibility to accommodate changes in customers’ business needs. This model can be especially appealing to customers who appreciate the direct correlation between their usage and the price they pay.

However, usage-based pricing could potentially lead to higher churn rates among enterprise customers. Companies like Oracle have successfully employed this model for their data integration platform, while TalentLMS provides a usage-based pricing structure suitable for larger organizations.

Per User Pricing Model

The per user pricing model is a straightforward approach that charges customers based on the number of individuals using the product. It’s easy for customers to understand and for SaaS startups to manage and forecast their income, making it a popular choice among many SaaS companies.

However, per user pricing may incur a penalty for companies when more customers are added to the tool, potentially limiting product adoption.

ProductPlan Pricing

Examples of SaaS companies utilizing this model include ProductPlan and user-count pricing, which charges customers according to the number of seats or users they possess on their account. This approach offers predictability in monthly bills, but may not be suitable for businesses looking to scale without limitations.

Per Feature Pricing Model

With the per-feature pricing model, customers pay for the specific features they require, offering flexibility while potentially complicating the decision-making process. This model allows customers to purchase only the features they need, leading to cost savings.

However, customers may find it challenging to identify which features should be included in each tier, and budget limitations may lead them to seek alternative services that offer the same feature at a lower cost. Pricing packages in this model vary in terms of the features they include, with more expensive packages providing access to all features included in lower-priced packages.

Freemium Pricing Model

The freemium pricing model is designed to encourage product adoption and upgrades to paid plans by offering a free version with limited features. This model is often used to offer different pricing plans. There’s usually a free, basic-level package along with one or more paid packages.

The catch? While freemium pricing can drive initial adoption, it may suffer from low conversion rates if the free version is too good, and users may not see enough value in the premium version to justify an upgrade.

Companies like MailChimp have successfully implemented this model, emphasizing the importance of striking the right balance between free and paid features to drive conversions.

Mailchimp Freemium pricing

Per Active User Pricing Model

Slack's billing policy

The per active user pricing model charges customers based on the number of active users, reducing risk for enterprise customers but potentially not being cost-effective for small businesses. Companies like Slack have utilized this model to cater to the needs of enterprise customers while maintaining a fair pricing structure.

In conclusion, the per active user pricing model is a viable option for companies looking to cater to enterprise customers, but may not be the best fit for small businesses that require a more predictable pricing structure.

Choosing the Right Pricing Strategy for Your SaaS Business

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Choosing an appropriate pricing strategy plays a pivotal role in the success of your SaaS business. An appropriate strategy can lead to accelerated growth, increased revenues, and a more robust business model. Factors like product positioning, target customers, and the pricing model that best aligns with your target market should be evaluated while making this decision.

Merely selecting a pricing model and hoping for the best won’t suffice. The key to optimizing your SaaS pricing and ensuring enduring success lies in persistent experimentation and learning. Involving multiple departments such as:

  • Marketing

  • Sales

  • Product

  • Management

Can help you accurately position, package, manage, and target the audience for your SaaS product.

Remember that the perfect pricing strategy doesn’t exist; it’s an evolving process that requires constant fine-tuning and adaptation. Here are some tips to help you find the right pricing model for your business.

  1. Stay informed about industry trends.

  2. Listen to your customers and gather feedback on pricing.

  3. Test different pricing models to see what resonates best with your target audience.

  4. Monitor your revenue and make adjustments as needed.

By following these steps, you can find a pricing strategy that maximizes your revenue potential.

In the end, the right pricing strategy is the one that works for YOUR business. Don’t be afraid to experiment, learn from your mistakes, and pivot when necessary. Success in SaaS pricing is a journey, not a destination.

Implementing and Adjusting SaaS Pricing Strategies

After identifying the most suitable pricing strategy for your SaaS business, the following step is its implementation and necessary adjustment.

The implementation phase is all about incorporating the results from experimentation into your pricing, ensuring that your strategy aligns with customer requirements and their capacity to pay.

Continuous performance monitoring of your pricing strategy is necessary, making relevant adjustments as and when required. Consider trialing new pricing models with a limited segment of existing customers before rolling them out to your entire customer base.

This approach will allow you to gather valuable feedback and make data-driven decisions on whether to proceed or pivot.

When contemplating a substantial price increase for existing customers, consider providing legacy rates for a period of time or incrementally increasing new rates over time in acknowledgment of their early adoption.

This approach can help maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty while ensuring a smooth transition to the new pricing structure.

Remember, the key to success in SaaS pricing is constant evaluation and improvement. Stay agile, learn from your experiences, and don’t be afraid to make adjustments as needed to ensure the continued growth and success of your business.

Key Metrics to Track in SaaS Pricing

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Tracking key metrics is crucial for optimizing your SaaS pricing strategy as it helps in evaluating the profitability and usability of your pricing model. Metrics such as:

are essential to consider. They provide an insight into revenue performance, customer loyalty, and the cost involved in customer acquisition. The LTV/CAC ratio is particularly important, as it serves as a valuable metric for determining a profitable business model.

A low ratio can lead to potential financial losses, so it’s crucial to strike the right balance between customer lifetime value and customer acquisition cost at different price points.

Another important metric to consider is the gross MRR churn ratio, which measures the total monthly recurring revenue lost due to cancellations and downgrades. For enterprise companies, a recommended gross MRR churn ratio is around 1%.

A higher ratio indicates that a significant amount of revenue is being lost and warrants further investigation.

Monitoring metrics like expansion MRR and upgrade MRR can also provide valuable insights into your business’s growth. Expansion MRR refers to revenue generated from add-ons, upsells, and cross-sells. Subscription-based businesses can benefit from MRR Upgrade.

It’s primarily focused on upgrades. By tracking these metrics, you can gain a deeper understanding of your business’s health and make data-driven decisions to optimize your pricing strategy.

Case Studies: Successful SaaS Pricing Strategies

Slack Marketing Campaign Image

You can gain valuable insights and inspiration for your own SaaS pricing strategy by studying the success of others. Here are some examples of companies that have successfully implemented pricing strategies.

Slack employs a flat-rate pricing model, offering a simple and straightforward pricing structure that has contributed to its widespread adoption and success. Hubspot, on the other hand, utilizes a tiered pricing model that caters to different customer segments and enables upselling opportunities, contributing to its rapid growth and market dominance.

Read more: Top SaaS Marketing Campaigns of 2023

G Suite has successfully implemented a usage-based pricing model, offering a transparent and flexible pricing structure that appeals to customers who appreciate the direct correlation between their usage and the price they pay. Lastly, Zendesk adopts a per user pricing model, charging customers based on the number of users, making it easy to understand and manage.

These case studies illustrate the importance of striking the right balance between pricing models, customer segments, and product features in order to maximize revenue and customer satisfaction. By learning from their success, you can make informed decisions about your own pricing strategy and set your SaaS business on the path to success.

Psychological Factors in SaaS Pricing

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Apart from the figures and data, SaaS pricing is also influenced by psychological factors, which can considerably shape customer perception and purchasing habits. By understanding and leveraging these factors, you can refine and optimize your pricing strategy to reduce resistance and enhance the sales process.

Price anchoring, charm pricing, odd-even pricing, and product bundle pricing are some of the psychological factors influencing SaaS pricing. For example, charm pricing utilizes prices ending in 9, such as $39 instead of $40, leveraging the “Left Digit Effect” wherein our brains quickly process numbers and make instinctive judgments about prices without conscious thought.

The decoy effect is another psychological pricing strategy that can generate an additional 30% in revenue from the same number of sales. Decoy pricing involves the use of a seemingly superfluous pricing option to influence how customers select among the remaining products, such as The Economist’s online subscription for $59, a print subscription for $125, or a combined print and web subscription for $59.

Understanding and leveraging these psychological factors can help you create a more effective and persuasive pricing strategy, ultimately leading to increased conversions and revenue for your SaaS business.

Overcoming Common Challenges in SaaS Pricing

chess, strategy, pawn

The journey of pricing SaaS products isn’t a smooth one, with numerous challenges that might crop up. Here are some strategies to help you overcome these obstacles and set your business on the path to success.

Understanding customer needs is the key starting point for developing an effective pricing strategy. By comprehending customer requirements, you can identify areas of success and failure in your pricing strategy and make adjustments accordingly.

Balancing value and cost is another critical aspect of SaaS pricing. Striking the right balance between what customers are willing to pay and the value they receive from your product is crucial to maintaining customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Finally, preventing analysis paralysis is crucial for facilitating a seamless decision-making process for customers. Columbia University’s research on jam sales demonstrated that when customers were presented with a selection of 24 jam flavors, only 3% made a purchase, whereas when the range was reduced to three flavors, 30% of customers completed the purchase.

By addressing these common challenges and implementing the strategies outlined in this article, you can develop a SaaS pricing strategy that drives growth, increases revenue, and leads to a thriving business.

Working with a SaaS Marketing Agency

seo, marketing, agency

Teaming up with a SaaS marketing agency can equip your business with the necessary expertise and support to craft and execute successful marketing campaigns tailored to your specific needs. Agencies like Clickstrike can help you boost visibility, expand your customer base, and generate more leads, ensuring your SaaS business reaches its full potential.


Clickstrike is a SaaS & Tech marketing agency that specializes in helping technology companies grow through various marketing strategies. They offer a broad range of services, including:

  • Content marketing

  • SEO

  • PPC

  • Social media marketing

Clickstrike has a proven track record of success in boosting visibility and driving growth for its clients.

Clickstrike Screenshot

One example of Clickstrike’s success is a software company that saw a 500% increase in website traffic over a three-month period, thanks to the agency’s targeted marketing efforts.

By partnering with a reputable SaaS marketing agency like Clickstrike, you can ensure that your business receives the expert guidance and support it needs to thrive in the competitive SaaS landscape.


In conclusion, mastering your SaaS pricing strategy is the secret sauce to unlocking the full potential of your business.

By understanding the various pricing models, tracking key metrics, learning from successful case studies, leveraging psychological factors, overcoming common challenges, and collaborating with a SaaS marketing agency, you can develop a pricing strategy that drives growth, increases revenue, and fosters a thriving SaaS business.

Remember, success in SaaS pricing is a journey, not a destination. Embrace the process, learn from your experiences, and watch your business soar.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is SaaS model pricing?

SaaS model pricing offers two or more packages tailored to the needs of each buyer persona, with tier prices increasing according to the value they provide.

Prices are determined based on target markets, revenue objectives, and the product or service’s marketing strategy.

What are the most successful SaaS pricing models?

Freemium and Tiered Pricing are two of the most successful SaaS pricing models; Freemium offers customers a basic set of features for free, while Tiered Pricing allows companies to offer multiple packages with fixed sets of features at specific prices.

With Freemium, customers can try out the product before committing to a purchase. This allows them to get a feel for the product and decide if it is right for them. With Tiered Pricing, customers can choose the package that best fits their needs and budget. Companies can also use Tiered Pricing to incentivize customers to upgrade to higher pricing.

What is freemium pricing model in SaaS?

Freemium pricing model in SaaS entices users with a free offering and then charges them to access enhanced or premium services or features.

It works well with SaaS because it costs little to offer each new client free access to an existing core software offering.

What is the SaaS pricing strategy?

SaaS pricing strategy involves offering software products on the cloud using a subscription or pay-per-use agreement. Customers pay for the use of online software on a regular basis, with product value continuously experienced and prices based on target markets, revenue objectives, and marketing strategies.

These strategies are designed to maximize customer value and ensure that the company is able to generate a steady stream of revenue. Companies must consider the cost of providing the software, the value of the product to the company.

What are the key metrics to track in SaaS pricing?

Key metrics to track in SaaS pricing are average revenue per account (ARPA), lifetime value (LTV), annual contract value (ACV) and customer acquisition cost (CAC).

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